Sunday, April 13, 2008


My bath tub.

My milk bottle.

Turtle. This was actually
Mitchells and he was going
to send Turtle to the
turtle-pound, then he thought
maybe I would take care of
Turtle. Its a big responsibility as
Turtle always asks to be pushed
around in the dolly's stroller.

Rusty. Actually I don't like
Rusty that much as he is
bigger than me, but I thought
this was a nice picture and
Rusty would be happy to see
himself in my blog.

Thomas and his Friends.

Leon's dalmation (the blue one).
I only want it when Leon picks
him up so this always ends up
with grabbing, screaming and
someone usually ends up

My digger.

My most favourite of all;
my cuddle-cuddle.


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