God bless Muvver,
God bless Sisser,
God bless Bruvver;
God bless Uncoo
Out at sea,
God bless all
An' God bless me!
God bless Sisser,
God bless Bruvver;
God bless Uncoo
Out at sea,
God bless all
An' God bless me!
No, Ryan did not come up with this poem. His vocabulary is however rapidly expanding. Here are some oh his words that come to mind.
yite - light
twain - train
waining - raining
tonder - thunder
scat - scared
hey-yo - hello
cardodo - crocodile
i-chim - ice-cream
cawwy - carry
bowwer - flower
pitter - picture
pish - fish
penpenpok - pencil box
kos - close
battey - battery
skoo - school
ting - thing
eon bikle - Leon's bicycle
Poem by Norman Gale
Taken from The Child's Book Of Verse